Friday, February 01, 2008

Oh Lord! So many Grateful Web blogs... you must be confused! Thank the angry buddha.

All I know is this is where I go: (The Official Grateful Web Blog)

I take that back, I know a lot.

The ego is constantly at work. It wants to ensure victory and will do anything to "win." The ego will piss on family and friends to conqueror some given situation. The ego will hire lawyers to build a case against other humans, just to try to prove it's own worth. In an effort to feel right, the ego will point fingers at others, fill in blanks with assumptions, threaten others with "litigation" and other scary words invented by former humans that were angry too.

Anger is an emotion. From anger comes retaliation. An eye for an eye... a tooth for a tooth. If anger is not dealt with in the right way it will manifest in the physical. That is to say, that emotion affects thought. Thought affects emotion. Emotion creates feelings. Feelings invoke thought. A real three way circus there. Anger creates physical ailment. As you get older, strange physical disease begins to manifest. Most physical disease is in direct correlation with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Angry now... cancer later? Probably.

To those angry people out there that retaliate and seek "victory" by attacking others rather than going internally and healing their own selves and taking responsibility: I love you. You will never hurt me. My God given deflector shield in impenetrable. The more you attack, the more righteous I become. Let it go now before you unconsciously kill yourself.

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